One of the objectives of our mission is to invest on social area and in our case social culture: introducing with learning purposes the Quiz game as an excuse, being aimed at less fortunate to build schools where thousands of children can study. Imagine a school where at the end of the day through the game you can give an exam with questions written by teachers, rewarding best students, focus on the prize, how many children with competition desires will strive even more to win? Invest in the Social: a part of the profits will be destined to the Social, and it will never be an expense but an investment in people, an investment in children that thanks to education one day will heal other people, they will discover new goals or they will become great writers that will make our children dream. Maybe one day somebody playing Quiz on internet will discover that the school where he learned his first lessons was built with money from Quiz game in which he is currently playing. We will invest in culture because today's children will be our players tomorrow.
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